This tripych goes a little something like this......
With the story behind it and the components delivered some 4 years prior to the video!

• EATING - The plastic knife and fork reminding us nothing is forever.The pork scratchings - don't mind if I do. The shape of the stables gates and the golden gloves to keep ones hands clean.
• DRINKING - The straw that broke the camels back a nod to the artists relentless pursuits combining sand with money. Farenheit is the temperature scale proposed in 1724 by, and named after, the German physicist Daniel Gabriel Fahrenheit. It can get hot in here, you know. Note the percarious camel on roller skate$ - balancing on 4 dirham coins as the delicate sands of time shift during surreal times.
• BEING LUCKY - The Backgammon set one of the oldest board games in the world, often seen around these parts. Although luck is involved and factor$ into the outcome, Strategy play$ a more important role in the long run. The double one throw on the left to the double $ix on the right - that, my $on, i$ life!

Components as mentioned plus sand elements, acrylic and spray paint and a $1 bill signed by the artist.
Box frame 72 inches x 40 inches