Collection: Real Oud Fragrance Collection (2021)
From dollars to scents - the time capsule that evokes rich memories, dreams and aspirations. Our sense of smell is as important as ever, given these socially distance times so let's treasure what we can and keep the sense of smell alive.

Dollarsandart proudly bring you our exclusive oud fragrance range straight from our heart and the heart of The Aquilaria tree, the most important source of agarwood, in South East Asia from Asian Plantation Capital (A.P.C)

This highly prized product, which is used in fragrances, incense, medicines, and aromatherapy, as well as in cultural ceremonies can now be on sample as an oil, a blended perfume or beads on your wrist is an offering for Fine Art collectors and those who know!

The agarwood market, whether for oil, agarwood chips or medicinal end user applications, is growing rapidly and has been on the dollarsandart radar since 2014. Dollarsandart founder Jim Wheat liked the Oud oil so much, largely through meetings in Dubai with Emirati locals that carried the rich fragrance with them.

The 2014 Dubai Dollar project to Fragrance Bay Dubai
With Fragrance available at the 2014 Dubai $ Project as a sponsored partner he visited and then invested in a dollarsandart Argawood plantation ran by APC. Comfortable that they have the people, skills and expertise and pioneers in inoculation methods, to successfully infect entire Aquilaria trees with agarwood resin.

Together their impressive distillery plants and technology, capable of producing top quality Oud oil to the high-end perfume markets by supplying the luxury fragrance brands and now dollarsandart!

Jim's visit to APC offices in Kuala Lumpa back in 2016 resulted in his impromptu artwork entitled The elements and he was certainly in his! Feel visit the APC Research website to learn more about Agarwood with an investment opportunity like no other.....

From the roots of the dollarsandart Aquilaria tree plantation starting here in Sakhon Nakhon, Thailand...

To the sands of Dubai and the nose who knows, Ahmed, who runs Dubai based Fragrance Bay with exceptional passion and drive...

As he strived to get each part of the Fragrance collection bang on & on the money even as the sands of time shifted somewhat during 2020! He worked so hard to deliver something extra special, unique and authentic like each and everyone of us.
This is the result and we sincerely hope you enjoy the collection*!

*Coffee isn't included! 'Oil be back later....