Preceding The Dubai $ project and the first official installation comes Eat, Drink and Be lucky commissioned by The Stables bar and restaurant, Dubai.

• EAT - The bloodied barbeque skewer to serve as a reminder of our basic need for food - often taken for granted. The sand elements a reminder of the vast seas of mineral deposits right at our feet, so under rated!
• DRINK - The charred straws burning it at both ends with the shattered casino chip reflecting the risky gamble of embarking on a venture. The Emirates postage stamp reminding us where we are, however temporary - 'just one more year!'
• BE LUCKY – Honouring the six senses of sight, hearing, taste, smell, touch and over indulgence. The Queen in her Diamond jubilee year of 2012 turning a blind eye to what is going on with the $100 bill $prayed gold bringing luck to this bold venture.

Components as mentioned plus a leather horse whip to form the $1 sign, sand elements, acrylic and spray paint and a $1 bill signed by the artist who can be found at The Qube sports bar, Meydan hotel from time to time!
Box frame 60 inches x 60 inches - its a biggy!